Oversight Reports
To the extent that any portion of these historical documents are inconsistent with Executive Orders 14151 (“Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing”), 14168 (“Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government”), or any other Executive Order or directive issued since January 20, 2025, such portions are inoperative and discontinued.
Report on the Terrorist Watchlist Report on the Terrorist Watchlist
The Board's report details its multiyear review of the Terrorist Screening Dataset, commonly referred to as the Terrorist Watchlist and formerly referred to as the Terrorist Screening Database. The report notes that the Watchlist is credited by Congress and the Intelligence Community with facilitating the apprehension and arrest of known or suspected terrorists but also that it is challenging for individuals contesting placement on the Watchlist due to a lack of access to classified information used by the government to place them on the list. The report also identifies ways that the Watchlisting Guidance and redress procedures could be improved to better protect privacy and civil liberties.
Assessment and Recommendations: Authorities Addressing Foreign Racially Motivated Extremism & Privacy Civil Liberties Impacts Foreign RMVE Report
The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board's report discusses the privacy and civil liberties impacts to U.S. persons from the use or recommended use of certain federal laws, regulations, and policies to counter threats posed by foreign racially motivated violent extremist (RMVE) organizations. The unanimous report, which includes two Board recommendations, was issued in response to Section 824 of the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022; Division X) (Pub. L. No. 117-103) (IAA), which directed the Board to produce the report. It was submitted in conjunction with an Intelligence Assessment and an Intelligence Report previously provided to Congress by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) in accordance with Section 824 of the IAA.
Report on the National Counterterrorism Center Report on the National Counterterrorism Center
The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board’s report on the National Counterterrorism Center details the Board’s review of NCTC’s access to and handling of datasets containing non-terrorism information. The report describes NCTC’s policies and practices concerning such materials, as well as how the governing laws, regulations, and policies work in NCTC’s day-to-day activities. The Board’s review considers NCTC’s activities under procedures drafted by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) pursuant to Executive Order 12333, as well as under the NCTC Implementation Procedures.
Report and Recommendations on NSA Activities Conducted Pursuant to E.O. 12333 PCLOB Report on NSA XKEYSCORE ("Deep Dive3")
In July 2014, the Board announced that it would review, among other matters, counterterrorism-related intelligence activities conducted pursuant to Executive Order 12333, as amended (“E.O. 12333”). In spring of 2015, the Board announced that it would produce a public report examining E.O. 12333 at a high level as well deep dives focusing on specific counterterrorism activities conducted by CIA and NSA. The following releases include:
- A report, containing appropriate redactions to protect classified information, regarding NSA uses of XKEYSCORE for counterterrorism purposes ("Deep Dive 3"); and
- Additional materials related to the Board's XKEYSORE report
Report on the Surveillance Program Operated Pursuant to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Download the Report
PCLOB’s 2023 Section 702 Report provides a comprehensive, unclassified account and analysis of the Section 702 surveillance program, updating PCLOB’s 2014 report. PCLOB conducted a comprehensive study of the current Section 702 program, and this report presents PCLOB’s findings in an unclassified format to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the protection of classified information and applicable law. It carries forward and updates information from the 2014 PCLOB Report and adds new discussions where substantial changes have been implemented, greater transparency is now possible, or new information has become available.
The Board Releases an Update on the Government's Implementation of the Board's Recommendations on Section 215, Section 702, and PPD-28 Download the Recommendations
The PCLOB previously released assessments of the status of the Section 215 Report and Section 702 Report recommendations in 2015 and 2016 (“2015 Recommendations Assessment Report” and “2016 Recommendations Assessment Report,” respectively). The PCLOB issues this report from PCLOB staff (“Staff”) to provide an update on the status of those recommendations as well as to assess the status of the recommendations contained within the PPD-28 Report. The report, while drafted by Staff, also includes separate annex statements from Board Members Ed Felten and Travis LeBlanc.
Report and Recommendations on CIA Activities Conducted Pursuant to E.O. 12333
In July 2014, the Board announced that it would review, among other matters, counterterrorism-related intelligence activities conducted pursuant to Executive Order 12333, as amended (“E.O. 12333”). In spring of 2015, the Board announced that it would produce a public report examining E.O. 12333 at a high level as well deep dives focusing on specific counterterrorism activities conducted by CIA and NSA. The following releases include:
- A report, containing appropriate redactions to protect classified information, regarding CIA financial data activities in support of ISIL-related counterterrorism efforts ("Deep Dive 1");
- Staff-level recommendations, containing appropriate redactions to protect classified information, resulting from the Board's review of one CIA counterterrorism activity conducted pursuant to E.O. 12333 ("Deep Dive 2"); and
- A separate statement from Board Member Travis LeBlanc on the Board's report and recommendations
Report on Executive Order 12333 Download the EO 12333 Public Report
In July 2014, the Board announced that it would review, among other matters, counterterrorism-related intelligence activities conducted pursuant to Executive Order 12333, as amended (“E.O. 12333”). In spring of 2015, the Board announced that it would produce a public report examining E.O. 12333 at a high level as well deep dives focusing on specific counterterrorism activities conducted by CIA and NSA.
The following releases include:
1. The EO 12333 public report
2. Board Member LeBlanc's unclassified statement on XKEYSCORE, and
3. Board Members Felten and LeBlanc's statement on the EO 12333 public report
The Board Concludes Review of Treasury's Terrorist Finance Tracking Program
The Board has concluded its review of the Treasury Department’s Terrorist Finance Tracking Program and its implications for privacy and civil liberties.
Report on the USA Freedom Act Telephone Call Records Program Download the USA Freedom Act
The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board has issued its oversight report on the government’s operation of the call detail records (CDR) program under the USA Freedom Act.
Presidential Policy Directive 28 (PPD-28) Report Download the PPD-28 Report
This is the bipartisan Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB)’s Report on the Implementation of Presidential Policy Directive 28 (PPD-28)
Recommendations for Privacy and Civil Liberties Officers Report under Section 803 of the 9/11 Commission Act
Recommendations for Privacy and Civil Liberties Officers: Reports under Section 803 of the 9/11 Commission Act
The Board Releases an Update on the Government's Implementation of the Board's Recommendations on Section 215 and Section 702 Download the Recommendations
The bipartisan Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) has released a report that provides an update on the progress the government has made toward implementing agency recommendations. The "Recommendations Assessment Report" outlines the status of 22 recommendations PCLOB made as part of two separate reports.
Update on the Government's Implementation of the Board's Recommendations on Section 215 and Section 702 Download the Recommendations
To mark the one-year anniversary of its report on the Section 215 telephone records program and the six-month anniversary of its report on the Section 702 surveillance program, the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board released an assessment of the implementation of its recommendations. In its two reports, the Board made a total of 22 recommendations directed at the Executive Branch, Congress, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. In its assessment, the Board discusses the status of each recommendation’s implementation.
Report on the Surveillance Program Operated Pursuant to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Download the Report
The Board's report on the surveillance program directed at international telephone and internet communications conducted under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The report provides descriptive, legal, and policy analysis of the program and offers ten recommendations to further ensure the protection of privacy and civil liberties.
Report on the Telephone Call Records Program Conducted Under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and on the Operations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Download Section 215 Report
The Board's report on the bulk telephone records program conducted under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act on the operations of the FISA court. The report contains descriptive, legal, and policy analyses of both the telephone records program and the FISA court, and it offers twelve recommendations to increase privacy and civil liberties protections.